Privacy policy
When you enter information on this site we gather a certain amount of data from you in order to allow you to enter the competition or use other functions of the website.
We gather the information provided by you when you fill in a form on the site and information we learn from your use of this website and your use of our services and other sites accessible from our site. From time to time we may also gather information relating to promotional activity and any information you provide when contacting us.
We also review usage patterns and use of the Site to help us improve our services to you. We respect your right to privacy and take the responsibility of protecting your data and using it only in a way that you would expect, very seriously.
The purpose of this policy is to outline how we deal with any personal data you provide to us while visiting the Site. By visiting this Site, you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy.
We hope that you will find everything you need to know about how we protect your personal data and what uses we make of it below.
Personal Information: What we Collect and Why
We only ask you for the information we need to allow you to use a particular function of the site. This includes your name, email, address and other information related to the business you work for. We may request additional information for competitions so that we can contact you in a convenient manner and assess your eligibility to enter.
We do not Share your Data
The information we need about you is not shared with any third parties.
We will disclose your personal data if we believe in good faith that we are required to disclose it in order to comply with any applicable law, a summons, a search warrant, a court or regulatory order, or other statutory requirement.
Security of your Data
Profilo Smart is committed to keeping your data secure. We and our partners comply with the Data Protection Acts 1998 and 2003.
However the nature of the Internet is such that we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of information you transmit to us via the Internet. No data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. However, as set out above, we will take all commercially reasonable steps protect your personal data which you provide to us.
We Respect Your Contact Information
We may contact you by phone, if you have entered a competition or made an enquiry on the website.
We will also keep you informed of any new features and news on special offers, promotions and other goods and services which may be of interest to you or your business unless you indicate otherwise. You can choose at any time not to receive such communication by following the unsubscribe instructions on any written communication.
Non-personal Information
In addition to the personal information we need, we also gather statistical and other analytical information of all visitors to our websites. We use this non-personal data gathered from visitors to our website in a collective form to improve our website. This is not linked to your personal information and is completely anonymous.
Changes to the Privacy Policy
Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this Site so you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.