Handica 2019, Euroexpo Lyon
9th August 2019Easy installation of the track
23rd August 2019
for All
The environment must adapt
to people’s needs.
People with reduced mobility are well aware of this simple truth. To help remove as many physical limitations as possible, we design and manufacture products pursuing a fundamental belief: it is the environment that must adapt to people and not the other way around.
We design and manufacture universal design solutions while following the current regulations as stated on the Universal Design organizations. We believe it is important to design in an equal and inclusive way where everybody is welcome, and no rules are broken.
To create and provide these solutions we must:
• Think Inclusive:
Supporting the right of everyone to feel safe and independent in their environment, regardless of age or mobility. Design places that will transform the everyday world into a safer, more flexible and more pleasing environment for everyone. There are different/changing mobile capabilities and Different body characteristics which equals a thousand of different needs.
• Think Flexible:
Make your designs comfortable, secure and elegant spaces that evolve in line with the needs of those who use it. Provide choice in methods of use. Accommodate right- or left-handed access and use. Provide adaptability to the user's pace. The fact is that there is no such thing as an average person. So why not specify furniture and accessories fittings that everyone can use?
Use a system that will transform any environment according to individual needs, taste and style.
When guests with reduced mobility are out of the comfort of their home, they would expect to find the same or better comfort in their hotel room.
Our elegant and versatile TRACK AND COVER SYSTEM, unlimited colour palettes and beautiful accessories allow architects and designers to create stunning bathrooms that offer endless design possibilities for positive, supportive environments.
Start using modular system meaning that accessories are easy to move and remove. Once they are not needed, it is possible to turn an accessible room into a regular one within minutes. This unique feature gives the Management of a hotel the rare chance to better allocate their guests and never have to turn one down again.